Janelle is slaying us all again with the unveiling of her new album cover. It's futuristic, gorgeously executed and I love it. Tying into the "Metropolis" world she created for her first EP and debut release 'The ArchAndroid' - JM spoke on her official tumblr, explaining what the images mean, definitely worth a read.
Standard edition:
Deluxe edition:
Sam Spratt, the artist who painted the two images had this to say:
"I’m extremely excited to finally get to share this project. Despite just being two album covers, they’re the product of over 2 months worth of research, countless revisions, built and scratched concepts, working directly with Janelle Monáe and Atlantic Records, to evolve the artwork from sketches to finished paintings alongside her ever-evolving music and image. She’s Grammy-nominated, a Cover Girl, but more so just one of the most mind-blowingly intelligent and talented people I’ve been able to work with and encourage you to check her music out if you haven’t heard of her."
Also check out the next single artwork from Ms. Monáe, 'Primetime'. The artwork is giving some elements of Michael Jackson's 'Bad' era - nice!
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