Wednesday, 12 November 2014

LIMITED EDITION : cheryl - only human (boxset)

 As a progression from her last album (2012's 'A Million Lights'), Cheryl seemed to up the quality-factor of music and visual with this album, in conjunction with her return to the X-Factor. This also saw a high-quality boxset version released for the new album 'Only Human'. Let's jump into it below and see what Mrs Fernandez-Versini has to offer!
First off, I think this is her best album cover to date. They've all been pretty standard head-on beauty shots but this one seems to up the gloss factor with that animal strip running through her face and the type is simpler and more striking. YES!
For the boxset, the type gets an added edge of a lovely burgundy coloured foiling, I love it.

The foiling is used on the back cover of the box also, for the tracklisting:

The boxset has a lovely matte finish for the cover and the hinged lid fits beautifully over the base.

Click "Read More" to see the rest of the review and my score for this piece! :)